Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mandi and Preston's visit

Mandi Terry (a college/highschool friend from Nashville) and her 21 month old son Preston came to stay for a couple of nights with us this week. Preston is hilarious and very active. He says a lot too which was good for Alex to be around. They were so funny together. They interacted more than they ever had, but then they also did things on their own. They didn't agree on a whole lot. If Alex had something Preston wanted it and would just take it. Alex wouldn't put up a fight at all. He would just stand there and you could tell he wanted the toy back but he didn't try to get it. In the baby pool if Alex wanted the truck in the pool, Preston wanted it out of the pool. It was interesting to watch! The only time Alex even kind of fought back was when it came to his food. Preston doesn't eat near as much as Alex does so Preston would always be done and out of his chair ready to play. He would come put his hands on Alex's tray. Alex wasn't having that. He would swat at Preston's hands if he got too close to his food. Since they've left (and while they were here) I've worked with Alex on saying more. He now tries to say up if he wants you to pick him up. He says the "u" sound but not the "p.". On the peditrician's suggestion we now try to make him say what he wants. If he wants a drink he has to at least attempt to say it. Below are some pictures of the boys together. Mandi, I don't think we got one of us at all. Maybe next time!!

The boys in the bathtub

Playing with the dog at the park

Playing at the park (they were throwing the mulch)

Playing in the backyard

Watching the fountains at the mall


  1. Awww, I'm glad they (and y'all) got to spend time together. That's so funny about Alex protecting his food. =) I like the last picture; it's so sweet.

  2. How Fun!! Hey don't stress about the talking thing - William didn't say a lot either and after a LOT of stress and prayers I finally relaxed and relized that's just his personality. He has caught up and surpassed the word thing now but for a long time I was afraid soemthing was wrong. Anyway I rambled on and on...
