Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where paci go?

This is the 7th day of "no paci"-well, sort of:). Last Wednesday Alex went down for his nap with no paci. We said good bye to it and threw it in the trash (kind of.) That day he didn't take a nap. He just cried and talked (mostly talked) in his crib for about 2 1/2 hrs. That night he went to bed at 9 and woke up and cried from 10:30-11 and I didn't hear a peep the rest of the night. The next day, same thing, no nap, but did ok at bedtime with a little crying. Friday, same thing, no nap and cried some at bedtime. He has always been a great napper and night time sleeper so I was a little frustrated. Our pediatrician told us we could cut the end off so he wouldn't have suction when he sucked. So we did that Saturday for nap, but it still seemed like he was sucking some. He slept great and things have been back to normal pretty much since then. But technically, he still has the paci. So yesterday before bedtime I cut off the paci tip completely so there is no way he can have anything to suck. He still likes to hold on to it but that is it and he has done great so far! Hopefully, we will get this paci taken care of once and for all and he will forget all about it soon! Then we can move on to the big boy bed.

The bed was delivered last week, but the mattress didn't get delivered until Monday night. He loved watching the men bring in the bed and set it up. He kept repeating over and over, "big boy bed." I'm sure the guys were pretty tired of him by the time they left. :) I tried to distract him but he would look at me and say, "go see" and he would take my hand to go see what they were doing in his big boy room. So now we have everything we need but the bedding and rails. We are in no rush to make this move, at least I'm not. I want to get the paci thing taken care of and then we can move on to the big boy bed. I think he will do fine, but I don't want to change everything on him at once while we still have time.

THEN I was going to worry about potty training after he was in the bed and probably even after the baby comes in June, but he changed that this morning. During breakfast he leaned over to me and said "pee pee tee tee in potty." I was shocked, but I said, "do you need to go to the potty?" and he said "yes." So we rushed in there and after about a minute he went on the potty. It was unbelievable! You know we had bought him the Elmo seat a while back but I had put it up because he didn't seem to care, but then Mimi kept him yesterday and she set him on it so maybe he remembered what it was for. So I've been asking him all day if he needs to go to the potty and he's been saying no. We were at Mamaw and Papaw's house and he said, "poo poo." So we rushed to the potty but then became distracted by their toilet paper holder and wanted to get off. 5 minutes later I had to change his dirty diaper:( I feel like at least he is interested so we'll see where this goes!!


  1. So much at once--good luck!! :)

  2. Wow girlfriend you have some guts to take that passi away! I am proud. Lot's of my friends here haven't even attempted for fear of what might happen. He went on the potty???? I have heard there are small windows of time with boys and this may be one of them. You better take advantage! Your a good mommy!

  3. By the way why don't you take your blog off private. I hate having to log in just to read your updates. I have never been private and have never had a problem.
