Monday, January 12, 2009

Dar Dar and Grandaddy's visit after Christmas

Christmas night my parents came to stay the weekend. As usual, Alex's fun just continued a few more days!:)

He is crazy about the choo choo train! He would just leave it running and continue on with his day. He would sit a stuffed animal or an elephant he got for Christmas from Kristy and David by the track like it was watching the train while he was gone. He does like to sit in the middle of it some too! Excuse the pjs!

Mom, Dad, me, and Alex were at the mall. Mom and I were in a maternity store and Dad and Alex were riding the 25 cent cars out in the mall. We were checking out and Dad yells into the store from the mall area , "Hey, Alex made a buddy! We are going to ride the train...come on!" I mean seriously?? Mom and I looked at each other like, "Is that man with us? Was he talking to us?" It was so loud! Sure enough though, Alex made a friend. I wish I had gotten a better picture of Devon. He was almost 3 and about 4 inches shorter than Alex, but he was so cute! His grandmother said he wouldn't ride the train alone so he made friends with Alex and rode with him.

Bathtime Santa! A friend from Mom's church gave her this idea. It turned out pretty cute didn't it??

He loves to play basketball! (Don't know what he's gonna do if I ever get a dining room table to actually be in my dining room!) He loves to shoot but not pass!:)

All of a sudden he likes to get his back scratched (Can't say I blame him!). He usually wants his daddy to do it instead of me. But tonight Dar Dar was doing the trick also!

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