Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 12 of No Paci

I think we've had a break through-good thing because I was ready to give in and give it back to him today if he still wasn't napping. Saturday and Sunday he napped for about 3 hours and today we are starting the 3rd hour of his nap!! Thank you Lord! Hopefully, things are back to normal now. I've been doing a lot of praying and worrying over this (I know to some of you this is just dumb for me to worry about). But for some reason I feel better if he sleeps well and I have since he was born. I feel like it makes him a sweeter, more well rested baby. No-I don't want him to take naps just so I can relax-even though that is nice-because even when he doesn't sleep he will just stay in his crib and talk to himself and on some occasions clap and yell "yeah!" (Who knows what that's about!) He does still mention "paci" sometimes but he just holds it for a second and then it is gone. He has moved on to something else though. I started giving him a stuffed animal to sleep with to try to replace the loss of the pacifier. On two different occasions now-one being this morning-the animal has greeted the new day with a soaking wet tail. A few days ago it was an elephant. The tail was so wet it was like it had been dipped in the tub. This morning it was the rabbit. How gross is that???? We also went to the dentist today. That's another post that probably won't happen today.
Just a few pictures to hold you over until I update again. Last Saturday we went to Olivia's 2nd birthday party! Alex had a ton of fun! Him and Jack liked playing in Olivia's new house she got for Christmas.

And he couldn't wait to sit down and eat cupcakes with his friends!

This is his new favorite thing to do. I don't know if all Barnes and Noble's have this but ours has a train table and he could spend all day there! I can just sit and read a magazine because he could care less if I'm there or not. He loves to watch the trains roll down the hill and off the table. He thinks it's hysterical!

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