Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Day...Finally!

Christmas Day was just as busy as Christmas Eve! That morning we went over to David and Kristy's house for breakfast. We had lots of yummy things to eat and Alex realized he really liked the biscuits with honey on top like David. After we left there I ran Alex to Jimmy and Emily's to put him down for a nap. When he woke up the Warren's were over and we all opened presents after we ate. He was Santa once again and delivered presents to everybody. His cousin, Jay, gave him one of his most favorite presents, a Lionel train set. It is so neat! He got so excited opening it! First, he opened his "row tide" car which is a red train car that has the Alabama logo on the side. Then, he opened the box with the track and more train cars. Jay set it up for us and Alex was mesmerized. He liked just standing there and watching it go around. It has a whistle and smoke that comes out of it. It is definitely something he will keep forever. My parents came later Christmas night and got to see all of his new stuff!

Alex had so much fun this Christmas-being with everybody and opening presents. He was definitely more into it than his 1st Christmas when he was almost a year. He got the hang of opening presents and after it was all over he asked for "more presents." Alex is so sweet and sociable! He gives everybody "big hugs" and "big kisses" and speaks to EVERYONE no matter where we are. It has definitely been a Merry Christmas for us!

Christmas morning drawing funny faces (a present from dar dar and granddaddy)

Playing football with David

And Papa

Being Santa at the Warren's Christmas

Mason was so sweet and fed him for me when he woke up from his nap. He loves Mason!

Opening his choo choo train

Mamaw (Alex's great-grandmother) opening some gifts

Papaw (Alex's great-grandfather) opening some gifts

With Uncle Parker (Tar Tar as Alex calls him)

1 comment:

  1. Alex is looking so big and husky all of the sudden...What are you feeding him? That hat is too much dar dar! I am sad to not get the invite to Bailey's play when you were in town........Happy New Year.
