Thursday, January 10, 2013

Spooky October Days!

Chicka Chicka boom boom! Some artwork from Alex.
Gymnastics! The girl loves it. She also loves dancing which I am very, very scared of. As is, John.:) We just keep acting like she isn't dancing all.the.time. That will work, right?
We eat at Tazikis every Wednesday after gymnastics with Henley and Mrs. Chanda.
Avery played soccer for the first time this year and really liked it! She wants to do t-ball next. YEAH! Get her into sports...keep her out of dance:)

Soccer with Ella.
Tickling Crawford's toes. We went to lunch with some friends and their new babies. Avery liked making them smile.
Headed to Taco Casa with Jack! He is our friend that lives in Birmingham that we don't get to see too much of, but when we do they have the best time together.
Tackling Jack!
Mimi reading to Alex's class. She had the best time (and so did he)!
Alex and Jack Glyien fighting after soccer...again.
Avery and Sarah watching their older siblings play soccer and eating a few snacks.
They loved going up on this hill with Mimi during soccer games.
I have a ton of pictures of Alex riding the mall rides...needed a few more of Avery, I guess.
Self portrait...I think I have a photographer on my hands.
Eating at Jalapenos.
Some more of Alex's art work.
His body outline with his green hair.
Grayson and Avery at CFA.
Avery and I having breakfast at Krispy Kreme one morning while the boys were hitting some baseballs:)

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