Sunday, January 27, 2013

Alex's kindergarten Christmas program

Alex had his first program at Rock Quarry. All of the kindergarteners made reindeer shirts with their handprints and sang "Rudolph." It was so cute! John had to work, unfortunately, but Alex had lots of family in the crowd. I wasn't too happy with the way all the kids sat on the floor by grade and then stood up to sing their song. I wish they would have at least faced the crowd so we (the parents) could all get good pictures:( This was the best I could do without walking in front of everyone and standing right in front of my child-which I almost did!:) He is in the second row and it looks like he has a pink ear, because of a girl's bow.

Anderson, Alex, and Will.

Then, Avery and I, went back to his room for his class party! Woo hoo! Lots of yummy food and fun goodies! Mrs. Snow read them a book while we got everything set out.

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