Monday, December 1, 2008

Motor Mouth

One day Alex put his bunny in his bed and I covered it with his blanket and gave it a paci. Then he wanted the lamb in there too. So I put them beside each other and gave the lamb another paci. Then he wanted in. He grabbed his paci and wiggled down between the lamb and the bunny. And he just laid there! Didn't even make an effort to get up. Probably about 5 minutes later I came back to check on him and he was still laying just like this. Guess he was enjoying his time with his friends:)

He is loving choo choo trains right now! One night I was cleaning the house and he emptied his lego bucket on the living room floor and started lining all the blocks up on the coffee table (which he thinks is his personal play table, race track, train track, etc). He kept saying "choo choo train" so I realized he thought he was making a train. Then he tried to push it around the table and got pretty mad when it didn't go. Because of course the blocks aren't connected. So he said "mama do" and I put two or three on the floor and started pushing them around. That worked a few times but then he got even more frustrated. He needs a train for Christmas! Thank goodness he has one coming!!

One morning he walked in and here he was in my shoes! Look at those legs!

Here is the coffee table as a road for his truck. He can do this for hours it seems-just going round and round!

So Alex is definitely talking a lot now. Some phrases are "mama do" (or you insert the name...daddy, dar dar, papa, etc), "I touch," "Row tide," "choo choo train," "I do," "I see," "brush teeth," "daddy read," "eat," "more" (with the sign also), "big hug," "big kiss," "where paci (or mama, grammy, mimi, band, etc) go?" "big car, truck, etc," and one of my favorites "there it is!" Watch the video below. I LOVE how he looks like "Mom, are you serious? It's right here!"


  1. He is looking so big!! Isn't his birthday just about a month out?

  2. I love love love him in his bed with his "friends"! How cute!
