Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas Eve night

Christmas Eve night we headed to Mimi's for some more family fun!
Alex playing with Grammy's ipad.
David and Kristy have this game that Alex likes to play and it helps him add numbers. It's amazing! He would roll a 6 and a 3 and he said,"that is 9." Then you have to push down numbers that equal what you roll and he could do different combinations of numbers that equal 9, like 8-1 or 5-4. I was impressed!
Mimi is an awesome hostess, great-grandmother, etc! Look how pretty the table is!
This definitely sums it up!
Who is at the door??
The kids were shocked and excited and a little nervous. They are usually not too shy but Alex kept rolling his shirt up and Avery kept pulling her dress over her head. It was hilarious! We sang songs and they (mostly Alex) talked to Santa for a long time. Alex told him he wanted a power ranger ray gun and a power ranger bike and Avery quickly told him she wanted a Minnie Mouse bike and a Minnie Mouse helmet.
Blue Power ranger and Princess.
Playing with Uncle Parker and Katie.
He was so excited to get Power Ranger stuff!
Avery still isn't quiet sure about Santa. She has been telling me that she will be nice to Santa next year!:)
Eggnog mouth! They both love it! They learned about it from the song "Grandma got ran over by a reindeer" when the line says, "she'd been drinking too much eggnog." Alex immediately began asking what it was and I told him Mimi would have some for them to try on Christmas eve.

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