Tuesday, November 17, 2009

THE Saxophone

ALL of Alex's friends are potty trained...every. single. one. I thought it would never happen. Everyone said don't worry till he's ready...one day it will click...boys take longer than girls...you have a new baby don't worry. I agreed with all that to a point, even the pediatrician said he is not worried until he's three. He will be three in January. I felt like time was running out and I had one trick left in my bag of tricks. He really wanted a trumpet. He talked about it all the time and we always told him when he pee pee'd on the potty he could have one. Nothing else had worked...not the potty chart, not the Elmo potty chair, not peer pressure, not candy, not verbal praise, not stickers, not snacks, not new underwear-nothing. So last Tuesday morning I went to order "the" trumpet. I found it on amazon and called him in to the computer room to see it and so he would know it was coming. I was going to put it on the mantle and not let him have it until he went to the potty. I knew I would have to be strong because he would want that trumpet so bad. BUT I was ready for it-he was going to be potty trained by his 3 year appointment. Back to the computer room, as I'm about to order the trumpet he sees the saxophone and says, "no momma, I want the saxophone." I said, "No, you wanted the trumpet, look I'm about to order it." He was adamant that he wanted the saxophone. As I was about to order the sax I remembered Mimi and Granddan had gotten him one for Christmas. We were going to their house for lunch later that day and I thought I would just ask them for it. Mimi had the saxophone. I snuck it home, he took a nap and when he got up I showed him the saxophone. It was on the mantle in the box. He tried to go before swim lessons, but we didn't have much time to sit and wait so we really didn't work on it until the next morning. Wednesday morning he woke up and I put his underwear on and he went to the potty. He got his saxophone! It was that easy! I thought, surely not, it's gotta be harder than this. I originally told him that he got it only when he went to the potty but soon changed it to you get it until you have an accident because he can sit on the potty for a long time. He was 4/8 the first day, 2/3 the second day and then 2/4 the third day. He didn't have any accidents Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. Today he had one with Russell at the park, because he didn't get down the slide fast enough. But he has done awesome! I wonder if he would have done this well if we had gotten the sax two months ago. Who knows...but it sure is great! I'm glad the day has finally come!:)

The infamous sax! It's even kind of lost it's appeal but he still uses the potty!

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo!!! Way to go, Alex! Way to think on your feet, Rachel! Glad it was so easy!
