Thursday, July 30, 2009

What's going on...

Avery having tummy time with her doll that Alex calls Avery too. Alex carries the doll around and puts her to bed and holds her just like I do the "real" Avery:). We haven't seen too much of a change in Alex since he became a big brother except for the phrase, "Hold me!" He says that alot now! No matter what he is doing he wants us to pick him up. He's a little whiny with it and sometimes it passes and he goes on to something else. Hopefully, it will pass, but it sure is sweet sometimes-he's a good snuggler:)

Sleeping...finally! I was worried the last week or so that Avery was colicky. But I don't think so anymore...thank goodness! She doesn't sleep in her bed during the day (she wakes up after 15-30 minutes) so anywhere she'll sleep works. She does sleep in her bed pretty well at night. There were a few nights of me and her getting about 30-40 minutes of sleep between midnight and 4 but she's getting better. She had to or I was going to be a zombie! Things are more settled now that she is 6 wks old. She did sleep in her car seat a few nights ago from 9:30pm to 6am but she slept good and so did the rest of us!!:) I also have Mimi and Emily who will come over and take care of them any time I need them to which is a nice relief.

Alex feeding Avery.

Alex in his bubble bath.

Avery sleeping with Grandaddy.

Avery with Mimi.

Sweet Avery-I love this face! She has started smiling too now! I'll try to get it on camera soon.

Alex with Grammy and Papa and the jersey they bought him. He loves it! He got it Saturday night and it's already been washed twice.

He wore it to bed Saturday night and then Sunday he said he wanted to wear it again. Hilarious! It's Julio Jones's number and he's getting pretty good at saying his name. He was so proud of it.

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