Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Late Father's Day!

OK so I have lots to catch up on:). Happy Father's Day to all the great men in our life-Dad, aka John, Papa, Grandaddy, Granddan and Great-Grandaddy-WE LOVE YOU and APPRECIATE YOU!! Alex made some special treats for them-he painted rocks for them to use as paper weights. He kept saying, "They'll love this momma!" He had a lot of fun painting them as you can see from the video below. Of course, Avery was born a few days before Father's Day so we still have yet to give out our last paper weight to Great-Grandaddy. Things have been a little busy:).

1 comment:

  1. I love all the granddad's faces as they opened their paperweights! Aren't grandparents the best at making kids feel like they're the BEST THING EVER?! :) Hope y'all are doing well. Still have Avery's present--thought about it in line at the post office today. I was kicking myself--why can't I remember to take it?!
