Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Avery Kate

Avery Kate arrived Wednesday, June 17th at 9:46 am. She weighed 7lbs and was 19 3/4 inches long. She has brown hair and blue eyes and looks alot like Alex's baby picture. They definitely have the same nose-as many people have pointed out:) Her big brother, Alex, loves her! When we were still in the hospital he would come in the room looking for her and immediately want to hold her. It was so sweet! When she cries, he'll take her hand and say, "It's ok Avery, I here." He loves to kiss on her and give her hugs. He'll bring her a bear or a toy when she is fussing and he just looks at her like, "ok, that should fix your problem you shouldn't be fussing anymore:)."

Waiting for her to arrive.

Here she is!

Alex seeing her for the first time.

Doing a little Jennifer Beal "Flashdance" impersonation with her off the shoulder sleeper:).

Being held by Nanny and...

Granddan and Mimi and...


Alex's friend, Caden, came to the hospital. They had a good time "playing trains!"

Alex and Avery with their grandmothers.

Being held again by Great Uncle David and Great Aunt Kristy and...

Papa and Grammy and...

Grandaddy and Dar Dar and...

Uncle Parker and...

Uncle Russell and Aunt Nan.

Here she is in her daygown that my mom made for her and she is laying on her blanket that Mimi made for her. She looked so precious-even if it was just for the short ride home:)

Finally coming home!


  1. Awww... congrats! I hope you're getting some rest. She sure had a lot of visitors! =) I'm glad Alex is taking to her.

  2. Congratulations! What a precious little girl! I hope you're recovering well... The stories of Alex are adorable!

  3. I don't know--- you think Avery and Alex have enough people to love on them? I'm a little worried that they're not getting enough attention! (Ha! I love it! Looks like our house!) I'm so glad she's here and you're all doing well. Much love!!

  4. She's adorable! We're so happy for you guys. Congrats on becoming a big brother Alex. I know you will love it as much as I do.

    Love Trey

  5. She's beautiful! I've been checking every day since last Wednesday for updates and pictures. Congratulations on such a beautiful family!

  6. Rachel she's adorable! I'm so happy for you all and I love the name.

  7. Congratulations! She is gorgeous and I'm so excited for you guys. Alex is going to be a great and protective big brother. Hopefully I'll get to meet her in person sometime soon. Get soem rest and all my love!

  8. Congrats! She is precious...glad all is well....love the name!

  9. She is beautiful, Rachel! I hope y'all are doing well and can't wait to see more pictures.

  10. She is adorable, a big CONGRATS. Hope everything is going well, God Bless.

  11. She is so cute! I am so happy for your sweet family! Tell John congrats from me and Seth! I hope she is another red head! You know how I feel about that! :)
