Friday night, we went to see Tina, her son, Jack, and her new baby girl, Ana Stella. Sorry we missed you Jason!
Friday afternoon we went to Nick at Noon. We had a good time listening to Nick talk about our loss to South Carolina:( But it was still fun! Thanks for the tix Jimmy!
Friday morning Alex was so excited to see Aunt Mel, especially because she brought him three new cars. Mel was telling him about her son, Isaac, and how he stacks his cars so Alex did the same:)
Bear Jones. We got to go shopping Friday and Saturday (pretty much all day) and go into any store we wanted and take as long as we wanted. It was wonderful! We were both in heaven!:) We really do love our kids but it is nice to have a girls weekend once a year!
Saturday morning we went to watch the Homecoming parade. Don't we all look excited?
Alex loves the band!
Tyrone Prothro!
Papa and Avery. She did not like it when the big trucks would blow their horns. She would grab on tight to whoever was holding her at the moment.
Aunt Mel got into Avery's good graces when she saw how much Alex liked her, Melanie was ok with Avery after that. Thursday night when I checked on Avery she had a dirty diaper so I had to get her up to change her. She saw Mel standing by her changing table and she was giving her some dirty looks. It was hilarious! I left Avery laying there to go throw a way the diaper and Melanie was still standing there by her. Avery started crying like she had been left with a terrible monster. We were so glad she warmed up:)
Alex got to check out the motorcycle while we waited for the parade to start. Now, many people know that I would love to be a police officer on a horse at football games and I was accused of asking the police officer if Alex could sit on the motorcycle for selfish reasons. But it was purely for Alex. I knew he would love it!:)
Alex's best friend, Big Al, gave him a high five as he ran by! Made his day!
Avery and Grammy walking the parade route:)
Outside the stadium, ready for the game. Come back and visit again soon!
Sunday morning we all drove up to Birmingham to drop Mel off at the airport. We found a new place to eat breakfast and took the kids to the park. I love this picture because it shows how Avery walks...see that right arm?:) She shifts her hips and swings her arms like a woman on a mission.
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