Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nashville Christmas

Russell and Nan comparing bellies...wonder whose is bigger???:) Nan is almost 32 wks and Tristan should be here March 19th if not before. We are getting excited!!!

Playing candyland...one of the games he got for Christmas. He also got football pj's, jingle bells for his wrists, a sticker book (that is a lifesaver at restaurants and doctor's offices), and a cool violin that plays real songs.

Avery got a new doll! Doesn't she look so excited!?! DarDar also gave her some socks...she always thinks her feet are cold and a pink blanket like Alex's yellow one.

Avery was not liking her green beans!

Uncle Russell and Aunt Nan gave Alex this cool tent with a tunnel. He loves it!

Bailey came over for a little visit. Poor Avery wasn't feeling very good-sweet thing:(.

DarDar and Grandaddy promised him a ride on the train at Opry Mills.

John, Mom, Alex and I went out to Opryland hotel one night. It had been forever since I had been there. Lots of things have changed-I miss the carolers! That's an elephant we are beside in case you can't tell:)

Alex and Frosty...one of his favorites to sing about.

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