Thursday, March 5, 2009

Visit to Nashville and Pregnant picture

We went last weekend while John was on call. We knew we wouldn't see him much-if any-so it was a good time to go see my family. Friday night we went to the mall for Alex to ride the carousel. He was so excited and kept saying, "ride horsey." So I thought for sure he would love it! He had been on a carousel before probably when he was 1 1/2 and did just fine. He was picking out his horse and everything. THEN when it came time to actually ride on one-he wouldnt!! Dad went up there with him and of course didn't really make him sit on one so they ended up sitting on the bench. GO FIGURE!!

We went and did some other things and then came back to the carousel again and he was saying he would ride the horse. So him and Dad went up there and again he wouldn't ride. I walked up there and sat him on it. Does that make me a bad mom? Sometimes he just needs a little push to realize he'll be ok. He was holding on tight to Nenny (still working on saying "grandaddy." He can say it but I think he is just lazy and Nenny is faster) but I think he eventually relaxed:)

Sharing cheetos with Nenny.

Playing with Jaden at church. One would pop up and the other would sit down. It was too funny! I thought Alex might say something about his paci but he never mentioned it:)

For those of you wondering how I look-here I am at 23.5 wks. I think some swelling is starting and I'm tired but other than that things are pretty good. We still haven't decided on a name. We will tell as soon as we know!


  1. Oh, girl-- you look good! You've been acting like you were swelling up like a giant whale. Not so! I love that white shirt you're wearing. Woo hoo--over half way done!!

  2. you look great, rachel! did i miss the post about if you were having a girl or boy??

  3. Lookin good! One of these days I will post one. Do you have the decor picked out?

  4. half way done & I think you look great!
