During kindermusik story time...
Alex's Great Uncle Jack had knee surgery earlier this month. We went and visited him one night. Alex said hey and then had to play trains with Great Aunt Betty...
And cousin Abbie...
So in the last couple of weeks Alex has said some of the craziest and sweetest things. I had to write them down so unless you are a grandparent or sweet family member you may want to skip this part.
When we were visiting my parents in Nashville, he would just out of the blue walk up to mom or dad and say, "Roll Tide, Dar Dar! (or Nenny-depending on who it was). It was like he had been practicing it. Of course, they would say Go Vandy right back to him:)
He has a book about Big Al (Alabama's mascot) and how Big Al walks by all of these landmark places in Tuscaloosa on the way to a football game. Big Al walks by Denny Chimes in one part, which is the bell tower on campus, I don't think it has any other importance:). We have some plastic cups from the football games and one of them had Denny Chimes on it. He saw it the other day and said "What's at mama?" I told him, Denny Chimes. He said, "Big Al go by Denny Chimes." It was amazing to me that he had made that connection. I said, "you're right," and then he said, "I go by Denny Chimes." It was so funny!
A couple of weeks ago we drove by a gas station and he said, "What's at mama?" I told him a gas station then went on to explain how you put gas in your car and it makes your car go. So now when you ask him what a gas station does he says, "makes the car go." Super Funny!
He is getting so opinionated and definitely hitting the "terrible twos(thank goodness these "terrible" moments are just in little spurts throughout the week)." I didn't realize they would really hit at 2 but they sure are! He has NEVER mentioned or cared what he wore. A while back I went to put a red shirt on him and he looked at me and kept saying, "no red! no red, mama!" It was quiet comical. YES-I made him keep the red shirt on. I told him he was two and he was not telling me what he was going to wear. He has also started saying, "Unbuckle me mama!" When he is in his car seat and (I guess) doesn't want to be there anymore. Oh well!
He still definitely has his sweet moments. Almost always, (except for a hot dog) when he is eating something he will hold it out to me or John and say, "want some?" It is too cute!
The other day when I was leaving the living room to run out to the car to get something he yelled after me, "Be careful, mama!" It almost melted my heart. He now says it a lot to us...guess he hears it alot from us:)
Two nights ago all three of us were on the couch reading his bedtime book and saying prayers. I prayed and then he said, "Daddy pray." John prayed and then Alex said, "I pray." We said ok and his prayer went like this, "Lor, Thank, mama, daddy, ummm...amen." It was the first time he had ever said a prayer by himself. PRECIOUS!!!! Tonight he said it again and it also included Mimi, Papa, Dar Dar, and Nenny. I guess he will add more names the more he prays:) I'm sure if your name was left off it was just because he was in a hurry to go to sleep:)
What a sweet boy!
ReplyDeleteAw, poor Alex is being brainwashed about Bama. Of course I'd expect no less from John. =)