Monday, February 6, 2012

Alex's bowling party!

Alex wanted a bowling party this year and he had so much fun! We bowled first and then had pizza and cake. There was only one ball that got dropped on someone's toe that I know of (and it wasn't my kid) so it was a pretty successful party! :)

Alex and Miles.
Abbie ready to bowl.
Avery and Ryder took turns with lots of help from Grammy:).
His awesome birthday cake made by Jay-our cousin! Alex loved it and it was so good!

Nanny, Grammy, and Great-Grandaddy.
Ford and Alex wanted to bowl at the same time.
Jack Glyien ready to bowl.

Avery saw a Minnie Mouse bag and wanted to open it immediately. DarDar and Grandaddy gave her a Dora watch.
Sweet T and Nan.

Tristan wanted a turn bowling but for the most part he was content just walking around checking every body else out.
Where is that ball? Can you tell Avery is a little impatient?
Birthday boy with Mimi.

Breanna having some cake.

Dar serving the cake.

As soon as he blew the candles out the boys all started grabbing all the power ranger men and rings off the cake. I didn't expect that-but it was pretty funny!

A few came over to watch him open presents while everyone else was bowling. Jack Glyien really wanted Alex to open the guns he got him. He is such a sweet friend to Alex.

This was his party favor we gave out. I remembered to take this picture about a week after the party as the kids were eating the last one. Aren't they cool? And they tasted good.

About a week after his party I asked him what his favorite thing was about his whole birthday and he said the bowling party. He said, "It was awesome!" I love him!

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