Thursday, March 22, 2012


We made a quick trip up to Nashville the end of February for my Uncle Russ' funeral. He was married to Aunt Linda, my Dad's sister. It was a sad time, but I was glad to get to go up for a quick visit AND I learned that my kids like looking at who is laying in the casket. Very strange, I know!

They both piled in and slept with DarDar! Yeah for me!

The kids went to visitation with us Friday night but then Bailey came and kept them for me during the service Saturday. I thought for sure Avery would sleep since she had missed her nap the day before but obviously Bailey was too much fun! No naps for these kids, especially when she brings fun card games and light up drinking cups to use!

I think Tristan is choking!:)
On the carousel.
Russell and Nan met us for lunch after church Sunday. Avery loves her some Tristan and I think he is starting to like her some more too. Sweet kisses!
She was one tired girl!

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